Rodents like rats and hamsters may sound cute to adopt as pests, but they are also infectious and lead to diseases. Even injections are medicated in case of skin infections caused by them. Rodents have long, sharp teeth and fur on the skin, including mice, squirrels, hamsters, and pigs.

Therefore, to avoid pests like rodents, you must seek services from reputed companies like Damascus Pest Control to avoid spreading rodent infections.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rodent Extermination

People have a lot of queries relating to Rodents; some of the commonly asked queries to address the concerns and extermination are-

  • What are the symptoms of Rodent diseases?

Rodents can include a lot of symptoms, but few of them are-

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rashes
  • Headache
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Vomiting
  • Lymph nodes
  • What are the complications of rodent-borne diseases?

Few health-related rodent disease fever complications can be

  • Lungs (Pneumonia)
  • Heart (myocarditis)
  • Liver (hepatitis)
  • Kidneys (nephritis)
  • Brain (meningitis)
  • Spinal cord
  • Is getting rodent treatment safe with children?

Yes, the treatment is safe, as it is performed by licensed professionals. If not treated well, it can spread like a poison in the body. The treatment is important for places with children and pets, as they are at greater risk of getting affected, and the symptoms are also very dangerous for their skin.

  • What are the common signs of Rodents at home?

Rodents leave few indications by which they can be easily detected, like –

  1. Droppings, which are mostly caused by walls-
  • If the dropping is large, around ¼ inch, they are caused by mice.
  • If the dropping size is 3/3 to ½ inch, they are caused by rats.
  1. Smell or Odour- A strong, musky odor coming from any corner or unwanted area that is stale can be a sign of rodent infection. Rodents tend to urinate and poo in areas, and as per their size, the poo size also varies, but the smell is very stinky.
  2. Wastes or Sticky Areas—Rodents usually get attracted to and find homes in places where there is a lot of waste, as they tend to chew and consume that waste. If there is litter in these areas, it’s a sign of rodents, especially rats and mice.
  3. Rodents are experts in chewing-
  • Wooden furniture
  • Wall cracks
  • Books, newspapers
  • Clothes or fabrics
  • Floorboards
  • Paper
  • Grass
  • Insulation
  • Twigs
  1. Uncomfortable Noises

In case o you notice uncomfortable chewing or weird poking sounds from ceilings, walls, below furniture, or attics, it’s a sign of rodents. Since rodents agave incisors teeth to maintain their teeth and chewy nature, they tend to squeak or chew anything around them, especially at night in the dark.

  • How do you Protect yourself after getting infected with rodents?

In case you get infected by rodents, necessary precautions are to be taken like-

  • Consume liquids in your diet, like coconut water and juice, as staying hydrated is important.
  • Consult a doctor and take medications as directed to avoid allergies, and take infection too, to avoid future contact with rodents.
  • Keep the wounded area sanitized and clean. Apply lotion or ointment as prescribed by a doctor and keep the area covered unless healed.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitted clothes and let the wound breathe.
  • Can rodents get away from natural remedies or DIYs?

DIYs and natural remedies do hold a lot of speculation in the market as they may or may not work. However, in safety concerns regarding rodents, it is important to take expert consultation only. Some natural remedies are- peppermint oil, cloves, spreading ammonia, fixing cracks or roles, using essential oils, and so on.


Rodents are dangerous compared to pests and therefore must be treated under expert supervision for best results and to avoid future spread. Home remedies offer a temporary solution but for rodent extermination understanding its symptoms and taking precautions is wiser.



Bailey Luis